Project FeederWatch is in full swing! Check out the 2022-23 season’s progress and add your own observations at FeederWatch – Count Feeder Birds for Science! The project continues until April so there is still time to participate.
The new 2022 edition of Winter Bird Highlights, the annual summary of the 2021-22 Project FeederWatch season is now available in downloadable and printable pdf format! Providing insightful information about the abundance and distribution of the birds that visit our yards across the United States and Canada, this new report provides a wealth of information gleaned from the Regional Roundup! The report describes what was learned from last season’s FeederWatch counts, and includes lists of the 25 most common birds observed in each of the 7 regions, which includes Hawaii.
This new publication also features research that used behavioral interactions birders reported during Project FeederWatch observations, a profile of Northern Flickers wintering in Canada, a review of which native sparrows are most common in the different regions, and more. Overall, it’s especially interesting to review the top 25 birds and their flock size in your region, plus it is insightful to learn how species vary from region to region, from west to east and south to north.
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology operates Project FeederWatch each year. Citizen Science at its finest, the data contributed by individuals in communities throughout North America is scientifically analyzed to help create an annual picture of winter bird abundance and distribution. This helps scientists create accurate population maps which can help track gradual wintering range and population changes not only in this season but also over the span of many years. We encourage you to participate! Visit feederwatch.org to find out how!