Keep one of these brochures ready at hand in your store for those times when you need a quick resource of information. We personalize them too! Many North American birds nest in cavities (holes in trees and fence posts). Although some birds, such as Woodpeckers, can chisel their own holes with their heavy, sharp bills, other cavity-nesters must find suitable nest cavities can be hard to find in much of North America.

Keep one of these brochures ready at hand in your store for those times when you need a quick resource of information. We personalize them too! In the United States, you can find over 16 kinds of Hummingbirds. For people east of the Rockies, the most prevalent by far is the Ruby-Throated Hummingbird.

Keep one of these brochures ready at hand in your store for those times when you need a quick resource of information. We personalize them too! Get any group of bird-feeding individuals together and squirrel stories will soon come up! If you want to keep squirrels from your feeder, most will agree Good Luck and God Bless! However, through a little attention to feeder placement and the proper use of baffles, you can minimize squirrel usage and enjoy the type of feeder you want.

Keep one of these brochures ready at hand in your store for those times when you need a quick resource of information. We personalize them too! That red bird with the big beak really has it made. During the holidays, just about everyone receives its picture it might just be the number one Christmas card pinup!

Keep one of these brochures ready at hand in your store for those times when you need a quick resource of information. We personalize them too! There is nothing more relaxing than sitting in a chair or swing on your patio, deck, or porch and watching butterflies make a graceful trip around your yard.

Keep one of these brochures ready at hand in your store for those times when you need a quick resource of information. We personalize them too! Since early colonial times, people have loved Bluebirds because of their beauty, their feeding in open areas around houses and farms, and their endearing habit of readily nesting in man-made boxes.

Keep one of these brochures ready at hand in your store for those times when you need a quick resource of information. We personalize them too! As the fall season begins and the temperature starts to drop, many migrating birds head south to warmer destinations; however, most of the wild birds in mans backyard (Finches, Chickadees, Woodpeckers) stick around and endure the winter months. Dark-eyed Juncos on the other hand actually start arriving in many states during these months.

Keep one of these brochures ready at hand in your store for those times when you need a quick resource of information. We personalize them too! Because of their strikingly beautiful Black and orange or yellow plumage, their distinctive whistle, spring songs, and their amazing suspended nest, Orioles are quickly becoming one of America's favorite birds.

Keep one of these brochures ready at hand in your store for those times when you need a quick resource of information. We personalize them too! There is no better way to get birds flocking to your yard than a good source of fresh water. A bird's need for water through every season of the year is so strong that even species you never expected will be attracted to a strategically placed water source.

Keep one of these brochures ready at hand in your store for those times when you need a quick resource of information. We personalize them too! There are over 365 species of squirrels in seven families. They include the tree squirrel, ground squirrel, and flying squirrel, plus many squirrel-like mammals such as the gopher, ground hog, and prairie dog. It is the largest group of living mammals on Earth.

Keep one of these brochures ready at hand in your store for those times when you need a quick resource of information. We personalize them too! The Clinging Birds include those with strong feet that make it easy for them to run up and down a tree trunk or to grasp onto a small surface to retrieve an insect or gnat.