Click to View Hummingbird TIPs In the United States, you can find over 16 kinds of Hummingbirds. For people east...
© NestWatch / The Cornell Lab of Ornithology / Species Nesting Habitat Box Height Hole Size Minimum Spacing American...
Tips for Attracting Purple Martins
Purple Martins (Progne subis) are the largest of the swallow family who have been known to even be seen on...
Birdseed Ornaments Recipe by Linda Wolf
What you'll need: 4 Cups Birdseed for Songbirds ¾ Cup Coarse Whole Wheat Flour 1 Packet Unflavored Gelatin ½ Cup...
Origami Flapping Bird
Summer activity around the feeding station is like watching an animated movie. Adults fly down with their young for lessons...
The Bluebirder’s Ten Commandments
THE BLUEBIRDER’S TEN COMMANDMENTS I. Place houses at least 300 feet apart, because bluebirds are territorial. II. Keep the bluebird houses in...
Bluebird Troubleshooting Chart
Having trouble with your nestling bluebirds? This troubleshooting chart may be the tool you need. Click Here to view...
Nest Identification
There are several species of cavity-nesting birds that will nest in martin housing. Examining the eggs and nesting material can...
101 Ways to Praise a Child
101 Ways to Praise a Child
Cardinals Bring Holiday Cheer and Color
By: Mel Toellner [caption id="attachment_650" align="alignnone" width="300"] Photo Courtesy of Gail Hagans from the Songbird Station Photo Contest.[/caption] As this...