Bird Watching  |  October 27, 2021

Join Project FeederWatch!

Project FeederWatch turns your love of feeding birds into scientific discoveries. FeederWatch is a November-April survey of birds that visit...

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Beneficial Insects  |  June 13, 2020

Central Missouri Native Host Plants for Butterflies

All native flowers are good food source for native pollinators like bees and butterflies; they have evolved with one another....

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Bird Watching, Shopping  |  June 03, 2020

Birds of Your State Holiday Tree

  Birds of Your State PDF Version

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Native Plants  |  

Why Native Plants? Missouri Native Plant Society

Why do I need a diversity of natives in my yard? Exerpt from The Chickadee’s Guide to Gardening: In Your...

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Gardening for Birds  |  May 02, 2020

Bird Man Mel’s Favorite Plants

Bird Man Mel’s Favorite Plants   PERENNIALS Coneflowers (purple & yellow – Native variety) – Finches, Hummingbirds & Butterflies American...

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Q & A, Shopping  |  April 30, 2020

Attracting Cardinals and other Western Songbirds Product List

Below is a list of products described in the “Attracting Cardinals” seminar. They can all be purchased at Songbird Station....

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Attracting Birds, Orioles  |  April 11, 2020

Tips for Attracting Orioles

Tips for Attracting Orioles Click here for full brochure - Oriole TIPs Because of their strikingly beautiful black and orange...

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Orioles  |  

Orioles Seminar – Products

Below is a list of products described in the "Attracting Orioles" seminar. They can all be purchased at Songbird Station....

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Hummingbirds  |  April 04, 2020

Hummingbird Feeder Fresh Nectar Defender

Feeder Fresh Nectar Defender is an all-natural product that protects the freshness of hummingbird nectar and stops spoilage. It is...

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Hummingbirds  |  

Hummingbird Suncatcher Craft for Kids

Items Needed: Glue Sticks Parchment Paper Markers/Water Color Paint Scissors Instructions: Cut the desired amount of parchment paper Trace all...

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